Your creativity, your art, is essential to saving the world...
Yes, I just said "saving the world".
Creativity is the expression of our larger self - our spirit. Artists are our innovators.
"Innovation: the action or process of innovating. Synonyms: change, alteration, revolution, upheaval, transformation, metamorphosis, breakthrough; new measures, new methods, modernization, novelty, newness; creativity, originality, ingenuity, inspiration, inventiveness; informal shake up"
Artists think beyond what we are and into what we can be. Creators don't stop at the answers, they know that answers only lead to bigger questions. How do your choices, your purchases, your desires, effect the world? What if you were to see each choice as a brush stroke, each purchase as a sentence, each desire expressed as a note?
We are creating every day. Our choices are making change for either positive or negative impact. We are powerful. We... are an artist creating y/our world. Treat each of your pieces of art more like children and you will be less likely to judge yourself harshly. What comes through you is part of the beautiful process called creation. Instead of holding yourself "responsible" for something "good or bad", hold yourself relational to that which is always in the process of becoming. Whether you are parenting the art coming through you, or as a child just learning through the process of creation, both lend themselves to compassion, non-judgement, and seeing the bigger picture of process when it comes to what you are creating.
Think your creativity is not worth your time? Creativity is a political act, a feminist act, a spiritual act. Why? Because what we see in our future begins with what we can imagine and formulate NOW. Acts of art, and creation are the precursors to what will become. They are the messengers that herald the future. Creative expression is the forerunner of a new life, a new world - the rendering, the sketch, the layout of that which we want to see. What we value we give our time to. Time and energy will eventually manifest, though it may not materialize exactly as we envision, and the act of investment matters. Investing in our creativity challenges the patriarchal norm. It validates the yearning to live in a world where humans are creators, not just creators of money and distractions, but of the Divine. And that's what art and creation are; a blueprint of Divine design. Begin to acknowledge and prioritize more of what you want to see and experience in the world through the expression of your deep imagination. Art in ALL of its forms is humanity expressed.
The best art allows us to see our multiple selves in it. Artists are the radical voice of civilization. Creators are the expression of feminine power. Permission to be an artist... In whatever manifestation that takes. Power is the ability to create.